The Rev. Laurie Oswalt will be preaching here on Sunday, August 17. After serving as associate pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Yakima, Laurie is now the Director of Spiritual Care at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital.
She writes, “I’m excited to join the Roslyn Presbyterian Church this Sunday, as it has been a few years since I have had the opportunity to be with you in worship. At the hospital, I serve as the head chaplain, a Grief Recovery Specialist, and a community educator on the subjects of end-of-life and palliative care, hospice, bereavement, advance directives, and coping with grief–not topics that are great for party conversations, but ones that I am often sought out to give guidance on throughout the community!”
At the time of our transition from being a yoked congregation to standing on our own two feet, Laurie took us by the hand and was a tremendous support as a part of the Committee on Ministry of the Presbytery of Central Washington. She will be preaching on “Plus and Minas,” a play on words from her text, Luke 19:11-27.
Please pray for the ECO Synod Meeting and Conference, to be held August 18–20 in Dallas, Texas. Pastor Jim and Debbie Berkley will be attending. The Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO is the nickname), our new denominational home, is a young denomination that is taking its first steps in mission work, church planting, preparing ministers for ordination, and resourcing congregations for growth and ministry.
Pray that the meeting and conference provide excellent ways for churches and leaders to mature in their Christian faithfulness. We are blessed to be a part of ECO!
Sam Krahenbuhl to be ordained August 24. Our newly elected Session member will be ordained to serve as an elder as part of worship on Sunday, August 24. Please plan to be here to participate in this meaningful event.