We’ll Get By with a Little Help from Our–Heroes
#5 Our Hero, Jonah―
Helps Us with a Fish-Belly Faith
BIBLE SENTENCE & PRAYER: Stated Supply Pastor Rev. Dr. R. Geoffrey Brown
PRELUDE: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” arr. Smith
Musicians today: piano, Robin Phillips; Shannon Lewis, violin
PLEASE NOTE: This music provides an opportunity for us to meditate, prepare our hearts, and reverently worship God the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit.
CALL TO WORSHIP: Elder Stephanie Stehl
1Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits,
3 who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, 5 who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
19The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.
20Bless the Lord, O you His angels, you mighty ones who do His word, obeying the voice of His word!
21 Bless the Lord, all His hosts, His ministers, who do His will! 22 Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! (Psalm 103:1-5, 19, 20-22)
17Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:17-18)
SONG OF PRAISE: “For the Beauty of the Earth”
1 For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth over and around us lies.
Christ, our Lord, to you we raise this, our hymn of grateful praise.
2 For the wonder of each hour of the day and of the night,
hill and vale and tree and flower, sun and moon and stars of light, [Refrain ]
3 For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth, and friends above, for all gentle thoughts and mild, [Refrain]
4 For yourself, best gift divine, to the world so freely given,
agent of God’s grand design: peace on earth and joy in heaven. [Refrain]
Almighty God, we stand in awe of Your goodness and mercy today and invite You to be present amongst us by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Father, we declare that we love You. Thank You that You have made the way of love known through Your son, Jesus Christ. Lead us by Your Spirit to praise You. May our hearts overflow with thanksgiving and our mouths proclaim Your everlasting greatness. In the wonderful name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.
HYMN OF WORSHIP: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”
1 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!
2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer!
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer!
3 Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge–take it to the Lord in prayer!
Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there.
Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from Your ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against Your holy laws. O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Restore those who are penitent; according to Your promises declared unto men in Christ Jesus our Lord. Grant that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, life of service; to the glory of His name. Amen. Let us take the next few moments to silently confess our sins that we might know the joy of restored life in Christ.
But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. (Eph 2:4-5)
THE READING OF GOD’S WORD: Pastor Geoffrey Brown
OT: Jonah 2 ; NT: Matthew 12:38-42
OFFERTORY: “My Jesus, I Love Thee,” arr. Roe
Praise God from Who all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
1 There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus–No, not one! no, not one!
None else could heal all our soul’s diseases– No, not one! no, not one!
Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done;
There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus–No, not one! no, not one!
2 No friend like Him is so high and holy–No, not one! no, not one!
And yet no friend is so meek and lowly–No, not one! no, not one! [Refrain]
3 There’s not an hour that He is not near us –No, not one! no, not one!
No night so dark but His love can cheer us–No, not one! no, not one! [Refrain]
4 Was e’er a gift like the Savior given? No, not one! no, not one!
Will He refuse us a home in heaven? No, not one! no, not one! [Refrain]
We’ll Get By with a Little Help from Our–Heroes
#5 Our Hero, Jonah―
Helps Us with a Fish-Belly Faith
CLOSING SONG: “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”
1 Guide me, O my great Redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with your powerful hand.
Bread of heaven, bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore, feed me now and evermore.
2 Open now the crystal fountain, where the healing waters flow.
Let the fire and cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through.
Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer, ever be my strength and shield, ever be my strength and shield.
3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, bid my anxious fears subside.
Death of death, and hell’s Destruction, land me safe on Canaan’s side.
Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever sing to you, I will ever sing to you.