This week, January 5–11
- Tuesday: 9:00 am, Pastor and Session Clerk meets with Presbytery regarding dismissal
- Tuesday: 6:30 pm, Men’s Group resumes, here
- Wednesday: 2:00, here, women’s crafts, beading with Marian Russ
Following week, January 12-18
- Tuesday: Men’s Group, 6:30 pm, here
- Wednesday: 2:00, here, women’s crafts, crocheting with Kathy Spear
Please pick up 2014 offering envelopes. They are by the front door. Take a box and write your name and envelope number on the sheet. By returning your offering in the envelopes, your giving can be discreet, and you help the church financial workers give you a tax receipt of giving at the end of the year.
Members: Have you responded to the presbytery letter yet? All members should have received a letter from our presbytery that asks for each member’s choice for their personal membership when our congregation joins the ECO denomination—stay a member of this congregation in ECO or otherwise? It is vitally important that every member return the form filled out and with one choice marked. If you haven’t done so yet, please do it first thing when you get home. Your preference is needed for the dismissal to take place in a timely manner!
Our Annual Congregational Meeting has been set by Session to be on Sunday, January 26, at 10:00 am, immediately following worship. This brief business meeting gives members the opportunity to elect corporation officers, a class of elders, and the Congregational Nominating Committee for 2014. The Annual Reports and budget will be available for information. Please hold the date.
Would you like to read the sermon for a deeper understanding? A copy of Jim’s sermon can be emailed to you every Monday. Send an email to and let Susan know you would like to be on the list.