This week, March 23–29
- Tuesday: Men’s Group, 6:30 pm, here
- Wednesday: Operation Christmas Child projects and crafts, 2:00, here
Following week, March 30–April 5
- Tuesday: Men’s Group, 6:30 pm, here
- Wednesday: Roslyn Presbyterian Women, 1:00, here
Save a life with CPR – On Saturday, April 12, 1:00 to 3:00, you can learn the skill of how to perform CPR. You may have learned previously, but the most effective techniques are changing, and it is always good to renew your skills.
Ace instructor Bob Carlson and student helpers will bring dummies (as if we don’t have enough already?) to work with. This class is open for members, friends of the church, friends of friends, and community members—anybody who would like to learn a simple skill that saves lives.
We do request that you register, in order to determine how many instructors and dummies will be needed. Please sign up on a sheet in the Fellowship Hall, by email to: or call the office at 649-3572.
You can minister at a rest stop. On the weekend of May 16–19, volunteers from our church will hand out coffee, cookies, and popcorn to travelers stopping at the eastbound rest stop at Indian John Hill—24 hours a day.
Our service is free, but recipients often leave contributions, which will raise funds for Mt. Pisgah Women’s projects. You can sign up in the Fellowship Hall for a 4-hour shift as part of a two-person team.
We also need supplies for the effort: 4# regular coffee, 4# dry lemonade, 48-oz. hot cocoa mix (add water), and sugar. Please bring your material donations to a box by the Fellowship Hall north windows. Thank you!
Sewing supplies needed for Operation Christmas Child. We collect supplies all year to fill the shoeboxes in the fall to send to needy children worldwide through Samaritan’s Purse. We need sewing supplies to fill the sewing kits for the boxes.
You can leave your donations in the OCC box in the entry. (fabric, thread, ribbon, lace, buttons…)
What’s it like to live in America as a refugee? Alissa Montgomery, daughter of Mark and Beth Matanich, will share her experience of working with refugees in America at the Roslyn Public Library on Sunday, April 6 at 1:00 pm.