This week, December 30‒January 5
- Tuesday: New Year’s Day, office closed for the holiday
- Wednesday: NO MT. PISGAH WOMEN’S MEETING this month
- Wednesday: 7:00 pm, Celebrate Recovery @ Cle Elum Community Church
Following week, January 6‒12
- Monday, January 7 at 3:00 volunteers will gather to take down the Christmas decorations and put them away for next year. With enough hands it only takes an hour.
- Tuesday: 6:30 pm, Men’s Group resumes, here
- Wednesday: 7:00 pm, Celebrate Recovery @ Cle Elum Community Church
New Year, new sign up sheets – please consider signing up to greet people as they arrive at church on Sunday, bring goodies for fellowship hour, or serve as worship leader. You will find the sign up sheets on the table near the kitchen pass-through window.
Jim and Debbie Berkley write: “Thank you for your cards and loving gifts we received at Christmas. You are so thoughtful and kind to us, and we count it a privilege to know you and to serve beside you in this congregation. May you all have a glorious new year of our Lord 2013!”
Dr. Berkley returns on Wednesday from a week of vacation between the holidays. He will return to the Gospel of John next Sunday, preaching “A Spectrum of Response” from John 7.
Mt. Pisgah practices stewardship, too! This congregation gives a portion of its income to Christian charitable causes, just as individuals do. This year, we have given $8,400 to such organizations as Young Life, Care Net Pregnancy Center, the Food Bank, Samaritan’s Purse, and Hope Academy. This is just over a tithe of our annual church income. Your generosity accomplishes great good!
Your giving this year is being tallied for you, and you will receive a receipt in January, for you to substantiate your charitable giving for tax purposes if you itemize deductions. Gifts received after December 31 must accrue for 2013.