The Hanging of the Greens – Come to church on Monday afternoon, November 24, at 4:00 pm to help decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. With music and camaraderie, we’ll all get in a holiday mood. A Soup Supper will follow at 5:00.
Our Operation Christmas Child boxes are off! This week, we boxed up and took 330 individual shoebox gifts to Yakima, where they will be joined with hundreds of other boxes to be shipped overseas. In addition, 100 more hand-knitted stocking caps will go to help complete other churches’ shoebox gifts. You are a tremendously generous congregation, and we particularly thank Marian Russ and Beth Matanich for combining to bring the project to completion. Eight to ten others weekly workers assembled the gifts, Ken Russ drove the cartons of gifts to Yakima, and Marian’s 102-year-old mother knitted most of the caps.
Help for the homeless – John and Alissa Montgomery are collecting warm hats, gloves, coats, and blankets for the homeless in Seattle. If you have useable items that can be passed on you can bring them to the church Monday through Wednesday from 9 am to noon, on Sundays, or contact Beth Matanich at 649-3424.