Is it time for you to quit “dating” and “get married” to Mt. Pisgah?
We have some of the most faithful and hard-working attenders who we would love to receive as full church members. This summer for three Sunday evenings, Pastor Berkley and the elders will conduct a New-Member Class for people investigating church membership. We’ll look at our faith, this congregation, and personal commitment on Sunday evenings, July 15, July 22, and August 12. Is now the time for you to say to your friends at Mt. Pisgah, “I do love Jesus Christ, and I’m with you!”? Please call the church office (649-3572) to register your interest. If you are uncertain if you are a member or not, call the church office.
Sunday volunteers needed
We need on a regular basis: 1) a worship assistant each month, 2) someone to provide refreshments weekly for fellowship time, and 3) greeters for each month. Sign up today at the table in the Fellowship Hall near the serving bar.