New Member Classes resume Sunday, Jun 1 at 10:30 in the church office downstairs. If you are not yet officially a member, this is the opportunity to become one. Remaining classes are June 1 and June 8, and if you attend both, you will be able to become a member.
Members will be formally received in worship on Father’s Day, June 15. This is an excellent opportunity to examine your faith, the ministry of this congregation, and your place in it. You may decide not to join after the classes, if you want, so there is no risk in giving it a try.
Bring food for the hungry next week. The first Sunday of each month, we are prepared to receive both perishable and nonperishable food for HopeSource, the local food bank.
We who have food on our tables can be especially generous for those who struggle to keep family members fed. Please place your food items in the food bank basket on a table in the entry. Let’s make it overflow!
Can you help beautify our grounds? On Fridays at 9:00 am, volunteers gather for an hour or two to trim the lawn, pull some weeds, and clean up our property to make it look attractive for our neighbors and community. The more, the merrier, so come to lend your help whenever possible. Tools are supplied, but you might want to bring your own garden gloves.
Please use our new church name when writing out offering checks. Treasurer Chuck Wallick requests that checks be made out to Roslyn Presbyterian Church. Thank you for your generosity to the ministry of this congregation.